Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation requires a high level of expertise, and that's what you'll find at Futuretheory. We're dedicated to seeking out the best SEO practices to keep up with Google Algorithm and stay ahead of the curve. We put this depth of knowledge to use with multifaceted SEO campaigns that yield long-term results that set us apart. So, if your website isn't getting the traffic you want - we're the team to talk to.

Daily monitoring

The algorithms and keywords are fluid and constantly changing, but so are we. We closely monitor what works and how your website ranks compared to your direct competition every single day. Your SEO campaign with us will be carefully tracked and continually enhanced accordingly.

We don’t make promises we can’t keep

Search Engine Optimisation isn’t an exact science. The right strategies take time, and results will vary depending on the search terms you want to rank highly for. Anyone can rank a website highly for a niche search term that won’t drive results, but we do things differently at Futuretheory. 

The SEO strategies that work take time and more expertise, and this is what we do. It’s all about understanding Google’s complex algorithms and beating your unique competitors. This is why we never make promises about ranking and exact outcomes we aren’t in complete control of. Instead, we focus on a steady, long-term approach that search engines favour and put the work in.

Looking at your website holistically

While some SEO services focus on keywords alone, we know this is only the surface level, and Google looks much deeper when ranking websites. This is why we take a comprehensive, all-around approach that works long-term instead of just providing sporadic, short-lived results. 

We understand SEO is about content and keywords, but also so much more. From the structure of your site to the user experience and page speed, we know how to implement technical SEO just the way the search engine algorithm likes.

Experimenting to find the edge

We recognise that SEO isn’t a one-off project and needs regular tweaking to make sure we’ve still got the right strategy. The Google algorithm is complex and constantly evolving, which is why a static strategy or a formulaic approach from the internet won’t suffice. 

This is another way our team does SEO differently, and better, than most. We continuously experiment with new approaches on our various test sites to better understand what works in the current landscape. Staying up-to-date with SEO best practices involves extensive research and experimentation, and we’re fully invested.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does SEO take to show results?

SEO isn’t a simple, one-off process, so any service that offers an almost-instant jump in search engine ranking is over-promising. How long an SEO campaign takes to show results varies, and it’s challenging to determine a precise timeline due to multiple factors at play.

These factors include the current state of your website, the level of competition, and the popularity of the search terms you aim to rank for. There are lots more variables that affect how long a website takes to rank: for example, newer sites take longer to rank than sites that have been around a while. All-in-all, a good SEO campaign takes time but provides long-term results that benefit your business and helps drive more conversions.

What are the most important ranking factors?

Google relies on over 200 factors to rank websites, but they’re not all created equal. First and foremost, Google highly values websites with quality, engaging content. This means the content is unique to your website and helpful to users. This is why so many businesses choose to have a blog or “resources” page that they update regularly.

Another principle factor is keyword optimisation. This means your website needs to include the keywords people are most likely to use when searching for topics related to your business. You can find out which keywords you need to optimise for through keyword research. Still, they change constantly, meaning your website needs re-optimised regularly.

Why do I need to optimise my website for search engines?

It’s vital to optimise your website for search engines if you want to outperform your competitors in the digital era. These days, your website is the face of your business and the way most customers will find you. Considering that most people don’t look beyond the first few search results on Google, let alone the second page, SEO is essential to getting your website in the eyes of potential customers. A good SEO strategy is worth investing in as it can lead to exponential growth down the line. More traffic means more potential customers.

Do I need to outsource search engine optimisation?

If you’re a small business owner, you’re most likely wearing a lot of hats already. SEO specialist isn’t one you want to add on top. To make matters more complicated, SEO isn’t a one-off project. It’s a multifaceted marketing tactic that means constantly staying on top of the website and recalibrating your game plan accordingly.

All up, unless you already happen to be an SEO whiz, opting to outsource your SEO will pay dividends in the long run.

What are the different types of SEO?

There are many approaches to getting your website to rank on the search engines, and the best campaigns take a multi-pronged approach. These are the main types of SEO a comprehensive campaign should be using:

On-page SEO: On-page SEO is the most fundamental form of optimisation. This is everything you do on your own website to improve its ranking in search engines. This involves including keywords, conducting keyword research, and creating quality content, among many other factors. The ultimate goal of on-page SEO is to create a page that appeals to users.

Off-page SEO: Off-page SEO happens outside your website. The goal is to build trust and authority in the eyes of Google through external sources. Simply put, off-page SEO strategies aim to get your website discussed and linked on other websites (commonly known as backlinking) or on social media platforms. Various ways to achieve this goal include guest blogging, building a social media following, investing in paid advertising, or content marketing.

Technical SEO: Technical SEO strategies involve changing the more invisible parts of your website to improve user experience and help Google recognise the content on your site. Some of the best ways to do this are improving your site’s loading time, ensuring your website is optimised for mobile and eliminating any duplicate content on your website.

What are black hat and white hat SEO strategies?

Black hat strategies are the poisoned chalice of SEO. The term refers to strategies that get results quickly but through dishonest means. Some examples are keyword stuffing with invisible text, purchasing hundreds of backlinks that have no relevance to your website, and mass publishing poor-quality content.

These strategies provide results initially through trickery, but the Google Algorithm gets better every day at detecting these dodgy tactics. As a result, websites using black hat SEO strategies are quickly penalised by being dropped right down in the search rankings or even permanently banned.

On the other hand, white hat SEO is the sustainable, honest way to build your website. The main goal is to create a website that internet users find genuinely helpful and informative through legitimate tactics, unique content, and hard work.

Search Engine Optimisation Articles