Technical SEO

The Futuretheory team has a diverse skillset, ranging from marketing to website development, and of course SEO. The diverse expertise ensures that our offering goes beyond just including relevant keywords in your content - we take a holistic look at your website and leverage our technical knowledge to optimise every single element on your website according to the search engine algorithm(s).

All the technical expertise needed

Our talented team is made up of both marketing experts and seasoned website developers. This creates the perfect union for technical SEO – we know just how to optimise your website’s front end and content and fine-tune the back end of your website just to Google’s liking for optimal SEO performance.

Ensuring your website’s mobile experience is flawless

Our team of experienced web developers and designers have all the skills it takes to ensure your website is up to today’s high standards of mobile responsiveness and your website looks and functions exactly as it should, no matter what device your potential customers are browsing on. This goes a long way with your website visitors – and Google’s algorithm, as the mobile browsing experience is a ranking factor.

Improving your website’s core vitals 

Core web vitals are a set of metrics that Google uses to measure the real-world experience of users. The faster your website loads, the better your core web vitals are, and the higher your website will rank on search engines.

As part of our technical SEO service, we thoroughly audit your core web vitals and provide a comprehensive action plan to improve them. The result is a faster, more reliable and responsive website that provides a better user experience and generates more search engine traffic to your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does website speed affect SEO?

Google prioritises delivering users a positive experience when ranking websites, and fast load times are crucial to providing a positive user experience. Web pages that load quickly are more likely to rank higher in search results, which helps to improve the visibility of your site and attract more organic traffic.

Consequently, page load time is as much a business metric as it is a website performance metric – the faster your website loads, the better the experience that your website visitors have.

Why is mobile responsiveness important for SEO?

Mobile responsiveness might be more important for your website that you realise – as of December 2023, over 55% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. Those users browsing on mobile devices are bound to get frustrated if your website fails to load correctly on mobile, so it’s no wonder Google makes mobile responsiveness one of the most important search engine ranking factors.

How long does SEO take to show results?

SEO isn’t a simple, one-off process, so any service that offers an almost-instant jump in search engine ranking is over-promising. How long an SEO campaign takes to show results varies, and it’s challenging to determine a precise timeline due to multiple factors at play.

These factors include the current state of your website, the level of competition, and the popularity of the search terms you aim to rank for. There are lots more variables that affect how long a website takes to rank: for example, newer sites take longer to rank than sites that have been around a while. All-in-all, a good SEO campaign takes time but provides long-term results that benefit your business and helps drive more conversions.

What are the different types of SEO?

There are many approaches to getting your website to rank on the search engines, and the best campaigns take a multi-pronged approach. These are the main types of SEO a comprehensive campaign should be using:

On-page SEO: On-page SEO is the most fundamental form of optimisation. This is everything you do on your own website to improve its ranking in search engines. This involves including keywords, conducting keyword research, and creating quality content, among many other factors. The ultimate goal of on-page SEO is to create a page that appeals to users.

Off-page SEO: Off-page SEO happens outside your website. The goal is to build trust and authority in the eyes of Google through external sources. Simply put, off-page SEO strategies aim to get your website discussed and linked on other websites (commonly known as backlinking) or on social media platforms. Various ways to achieve this goal include guest blogging, building a social media following, investing in paid advertising, or content marketing.

Technical SEO: Technical SEO strategies involve changing the more invisible parts of your website to improve user experience and help Google recognise the content on your site. Some of the best ways to do this are improving your site’s loading time, ensuring your website is optimised for mobile and eliminating any duplicate content on your website.