Creators, developers, strategist & trusted partners

Futuretheory's ultimate goal is a simple one - to help you grow your business. We do this by combining data with design to launch solutions that help clients realise their potential. We are committed to growth and transformation for clients across industries, stages of business and geographies.





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Futuretheory today

Futuretheory is a full-service digital marketing agency based in Canberra. We’re dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes grow forward through website development, design services, and marketing solutions. We take pride in offering friendly, personalised service and work closely with our clients to ensure their needs are met throughout the entire process.

We make every decision strategically and use data-driven methods to achieve the best possible outcomes and generate new leads for your business. Whether you need design and development, search engine optimisation, ongoing maintenance and hosting, or branding and marketing, we can provide a high-quality solution that delivers results.

Going back to the beginning

Futuretheory’s story starts back in 2008. Our Founder & Managing Director, Germaine Muller, has always had a deep passion for technology and innovation. Even as our team at Futuretheory grows, Germaine still takes a hands on approach to every single project and relishes interacting with clients and spearheading their growth.

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We’ve worked with some wonderful people

We’ve worked with clients of all sizes, across industries, and across Australia. Our longest relationships go back more than a decade, as we’ve had the pleasure to grow together with our clients.

Our values are what we foster.

They define who we are, what we do and how we do it.

Do intentionally

Every decision, strategy and expense should be done with reason and intention. There’s no need to overcomplicate simple tasks, nor the need to do something for the sake of doing. Doing something with the intended outcome in mind leads to better results.

Always be curious

The world is always changing and evolving. What we know today could be different tomorrow. Always be curious, and always be open to learning.

Do it right

There’s only one way to do it – and that is the right way. Cutting corners and skipping steps isn’t how we do things. We take the time to listen, understand and build in a way that ensures quality and longevity.

Be a good neighbour

We all have an impact on our surroundings. We minimise the negative impacts of what we do and how we do it, while also giving back and encouraging impact through pro bono and charity.

Challenge but listen

Challenging and testing thoughts, ideas and beliefs helps us bring out the best in each other and in projects. Listening ensures we do so with empathy and understanding.

Be dependable

We’ve been working with some clients for over 15 years, when Futuretheory was a very different business. One thing that hasn’t changed is our reliability and dependability. By treating every relationship as a partnership, clients can depend on us.

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New Additions To FT Studio

We designed FT Studio to be a versatile professional space where our clients have plenty of creative space to work, shoot, and bring their visions to life.

We’re always looking for great people!

We enjoy what we do, and want to work with those who feel the same. If we look like we’d be cool to work with, we’d love to hear from you.

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