What are the different types of SEO?

There are many approaches to getting your website to rank on the search engines, and the best campaigns take a multi-pronged approach. These are the main types of SEO a comprehensive campaign should be using:

On-page SEO: On-page SEO is the most fundamental form of optimisation. This is everything you do on your own website to improve its ranking in search engines. This involves including keywords, conducting keyword research, and creating quality content, among many other factors. The ultimate goal of on-page SEO is to create a page that appeals to users.

Off-page SEO: Off-page SEO happens outside your website. The goal is to build trust and authority in the eyes of Google through external sources. Simply put, off-page SEO strategies aim to get your website discussed and linked on other websites (commonly known as backlinking) or on social media platforms. Various ways to achieve this goal include guest blogging, building a social media following, investing in paid advertising, or content marketing.

Technical SEO: Technical SEO strategies involve changing the more invisible parts of your website to improve user experience and help Google recognise the content on your site. Some of the best ways to do this are improving your site’s loading time, ensuring your website is optimised for mobile and eliminating any duplicate content on your website.