Do WordPress websites require maintenance?

Regular maintenance is essential for all websites, and WordPress sites are no exception. Regular maintenance ensures they function at their best and have no security weaknesses. Google also heavily favours regularly updated and maintained websites in the search engine rankings, so it’s also important for SEO!

This maintenance mostly comes in the form of installing regular updates for themes and plug-ins, as well as WordPress itself. These updates are essential as they often include bug fixes, security enhancements, and new features essential to maintaining your site’s security and functionality.

Futuretheory also offers WordPress website maintenance in our range of services, giving you peace of mind that your website is performing at its best without the hassle of troubleshooting problems yourself.

We install all updates with care, testing them in a staging environment first to ensure they are implemented correctly. We also regularly back up your website to ensure you never lose any content, and we can get your website back up and running almost instantly if anything happens.